Monday, November 16, 2020

2020-11-15 Trying to update shield tables

Now that I have managed to speed up the part of updating the shield tables so that it could possibly run once a minute, I'm trying to run tests first with daily updates from I'm not having all that much success yet.

The update is running without complaint, but I'm finding that if a route relation is modified in the update, I get two or three copies of the member ways in the database. That surely won't work!

It's not obvious to me what's going on. There are no errors from the Lua script that's loading the database, It's just generating redundant entries. The initial load doesn't do that, and it's the same code.

I've also removed the primary key from the 'shieldways' table for now, because with that left in place, the duplicate rows did indeed cause a crash.

Gotta look into this more tomorrow.

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