It sits there on the organ console, looking as if it was built to go there. Well, it was.
Mounting keyboard and display was a matter of screwing in a whole bunch of #2-64 screws and nuts:

Then wiring the circuitry was a pretty routine perfboard job. The front of the board (toward the front panel) has sockets for the keypad and display, and mounts the trimpot that controls display contrast. It also has most of the actual wiring. There's a little scorch mark on one wire that would not stay out of the way of the soldering iron. Nobody's going to see it inside the box, and it's not near anything that's going to short it, so I'm just going to leave it alone. Nobody's perfecʇ.

The back of the board (the side that faces the inside of the box) mounts the RBBB, the DIN jack for the PS/2 keyboard cable, and a 4-pin socket where the serial interface goes for flashing the firmware.

Of course, I wound up making up some circuit modifications while I was wiring it up.
First off, I rearranged the pin assignments to give a neater layout on the perfboard with the RBBB turned sideways.
Next, I added a 470 Ω resistor and green LED to provide a 2.5 Hz "blinky light" status indicator that shows the firmware's main scan loop is running. (I've half a mind to have it send the firmware revision number in Morse.)
Finally, I decided that driving the LED backlight for the display - which is rated for 240 mA at a 4V forward voltage - off of the voltage regulator on board the RBBB was a losing proposition. Instead, I put together a little current regulator circuit. The 2N3053 transistor (good for a couple of Watts of collector dissipation) is switched with base current supplied from an RBBB pin via the 2.2K resistor. The 2.7Ω 2W wirewound resistor (it's mismarked 2.4Ω, which is why it turned up in surplus!) senses the emitter current. When the drop across it exceeds the Vbe of the little 2N2222A transistor, the little transistor turns on and robs the base current from the big one. Result is that the LED is driven at a 240 mA constant current, and then is pulse-width modulated for brightness. It's both brighter than the 6.8Ω resistor made it, and more stable with supply voltage and temperature fluctuations. Only thing is that the 2N3053 pass transistor was getting a little warm (on the borderline of exceeding the safe operating area of the "fingertip thermometer"), so I added a little homemade heatsink cut out of aluminum foil from a pie plate in the recycle bin. This technique works pretty well for medium-size devices as long as you use lots of grease to get good thermal contact with the foil.

The board goes into the project box, held in place by the keypad and display sockets in two corners and #4-40 screws, nuts and washers on fiber standoffs in the other two corners.

So now I try to flash the firmware (with the revised pin assignments). And ... nothing! Nada! Bupkis! The TX light flashes a couple of times, and avrdude refuses to sync with the chip. Several hours of puzzlement ensue.
Oh, [Nixonian expletive deleted once again]. I already made this mistake once, with the other RBBB inside the organ! And I've gone and done exactly the same thing again. I have RX and TX interchanged. (RX on the Ladyada serial interface goes to TX on the RBBB, and vice versa. Only this time, when I correct it - still nothing. Yes indeed, I've blown the chip. It's pretty forgiving, but this was too much for it.
Oh well, I still have one more Atmega168, sitting in the Arduino. (And I've been wanting to upgrade that one to a 328 anyway). So I swap chips...
And the display shows the menus nicely, and programs the organ.

I won't say that the firmware is done, but it's getting there. The big pieces that I want to add are that there's nothing behind menu #5 (where I want to put Hammond drawbar registrations), and I want to add an interface for scaling stops (making them louder or softer). Aside from that, though, it's more usable than the card reader - I don't have to worry about cards falling apart and lamps burning out.
I'm a happy camper for the moment.
A big thanks to Steve for getting me started with his surplus Arduino stuff, and to Carl K2YR for the fabrication assistance (and circuit sanity checking and general willingness to serve as the teddybear that I explain things to).
And, of course, thanks to Mary Ann and Cathy for putting up with all this geekiness.